A.O. Hamer

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Save the date to visit my studio: November Updates

Welp, it’s set! Our next Create Date will be Sunday November 21 at 2p.m. PST. We had 26 voters and 13 of you chose Sunday. Thanks so much for submitting your feedback! Looking forward to hanging out with yall during a chill Sunday afternoon. Here are the updates for the week:

The gist:

  • Check out the new YouTube

  • Get your candle so you can be apart of this week’s shipment

  • Mark your calendar for the next Create Date: Sunday, November 21 at 2p.m. PST

  • Save the date for June 4, 2022

  • Come visit my studio on December 4th for the Holiday Open House & Artist Market

There’s a new YouTube video that’s live. I’m so EXCITED for this video because I take yall back in time of the candle creation process. From designing the labels, having to fire the original label company, to sleeping in my studio to make it to the distribution company in time. I go deep!

Thank you sooooooo much for your incredible patience during this process. The candles are officially being shipped out this week. YAAASSSSS! Since I’m working with a distribution company for the first time, I’m learning so much. What I’ve learned is that they ship out products in batches. Since so many of you have already put in your orders, you will be the 1st to receive your candles. Haven’t ordered yet? This is even more of a reason for you to get your orders placed this week so you can be a part of this shipment. Covid has delayed so many things, I want to make sure you can get your goodies before Christmas. If you want one, here is where you can collect the candles. In this latest YouTube video, I show you the footage of me and Nalisha getting the candles ready for our distributor, The Connextion.

I reference a special event at the end of the video and it is this: WE HAVE A DATE FOR THE ZODIAC EXHIBITION!! June 4, 2022, book your flights now!!! Okay maybe not yet 🤣 But soon. I would love for the patrons that live in other states to come visit Seattle to experience the show. The show will take place in Seattle’s South Lake Union at the 9th & Thomas building. This artistic place is actually owned by one of the patrons here, Scott R. I’m sooo grateful for him 💖 Again, thanks a million Scott! We’re going to have drinks by E3 wines and guess what? I’m designing a brand new wine label for the occasion! I’m honored to have one of the E3 co-founders, Mari, a part of the Patreon community as well. Yall make so many beautiful things possible in my life and I can’t thank you enough 🤗

For now, you are officially invited to my art studio on Saturday December 4, 2021 at noon. We’re hosting our annual Holiday Open House & Artists Market. This is the 1st one that I’ve been able to participate in and I would love to see you there! Please wear a masks and let’s just stick to air hugs 🤗 Learn more about the event and all the artists that will be there at the Facebook Event Page.

The recap:

  • Check out the new YouTube

  • Get your candle so you can be apart of this week’s shipment

  • Mark your calendar for the next Create Date: Sunday, November 21 at 2p.m. PST

  • Save the date for June 4, 2022

  • Come visit my studio in 3 weeks on December 4th for the Holiday Market. (Candles will not be available for sale at my studio - just to keep it fair for non-local supporters & stress free for me ;))

Thanks so much! Will I see you at the Create Date or in-person at the Holiday Market? 😍