A.O. Hamer

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We made it!! Take a deep breath and give yourself around of applauses!!!🙌 It doesn’t matter if you did or didn’t meet your 2021 goals. If you have breath in your body to read this Patreon post, I’m celebrating you for simply BEING.

That is the anthem for this new year: more BEING and less doing. My 2 Gs for 2022 are “grace” and “gratitude”. I’m giving myself boundless grace when I make missteps on this journey and staying immersed in gratitude for the ability to walk it. I invite you to be just as gentle with yourself in this new year.

What’s to come in 2022 for the Patreon community? Lots!! But, let’s allow this first message to simply be a message of love. I call you Co-Creators because you are, literally, co-creating this artistic life with me. Your feedback keeps me inspired, your affirmations keep me motivated, and let’s be real…your financial support helps to keep my art studio rent paid! I love each and every one of you. Thank you for sharing your energy with me.

As we embark on a new beginning together, I hope my art can continue to be a light in your life as much as you have been a light in mine. I wish there was a word bigger than “thank you”, but you feel me 💖 and that’s what matters.

Happy New Year!


A.O. đź’‹