Original painting gift for you! Updates: Zodiac prints, new painting, more 🎨

Hey hey beautiful beings, 💕

This is the video to watch! I'm breaking it all down from the new painting I'm working on, to the zodiac print launch, to gifting you an original piece of art! Why? Because I couldn't have made it through these 2 years without you 🙏🏾

We officially got the Discord popping! I would love for you to introduce yourself and share your artwork, if you want 🤗 (If it says you need permission, I will approve your access tonight): https://discord.gg/VPhMVSBkTG 

If you missed last week's update, I would greatly appreciate your feedback for the June Patron Meet & Greet event. Thank you to everyone who submitted your preferences. If you haven't done so, please complete this form: https://forms.gle/D5JWkpBhTYWmYtJN8 

We're building community with intention this year and I would love your help in the process. Feel free to share my Patreon info with a close friend or family member at the dinner table, in the car, or a brief text saying they should check me out on Instagram (@aohamer). Folks are sleep on word-of-mouth, but I know how powerful this tool can be. Thank you so much for spreading the love!

March is going to be jammed back, so stay tuned for more updates. March 5th and 6th are the days that I'm reserving for studio visits. The video explains all the details for the most part, but I will keep you posted on mural pick-up options when we approach the end of February. Supernovas, you will receive your mural painting mailed directly to you with your greeting card set. 

I'm so grateful for you all! I can't wait for all the goodness that is coming this year 💕 Our next Create Date is Sunday Feb 13th at 2p.m. PST.  Future dates are present in the Mothership. Looking forward to seeing you at one of the virtual events below. Thank you for being here!


